Monday, November 17, 2014

Textron begins SSC fabrication

Textron Inc. began fabrication of the Navy's first Ship to Shore Connector (SSC) at its New Orleans facility Nov. 17. In October, the Navy approved Textron to start production following its SSC Production Readiness Review. The SSC benefits from a “mature design and sound production process, paving the way for many more craft to follow ... (and) fill a critical need to recapitalize the Navy's surface connectors," said Capt. Chris Mercer, program executive office for amphibious warfare. The SSC will serve as the evolutionary replacement for the existing fleet of Landing Craft,, Air Cushion (LCAC) vehicles. The SSC will be a high-speed, fully-amphibious landing craft capable of carrying a 74-ton payload with an enclosed personnel transport module that can hold up to 145 combat-equipped Marine Expeditionary Forces or 108 casualty personnel. (Naval Sea Systems Command, 11/17/14)