Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Navy PC's SeaPerch challenge

PENSACOLA, Fla. - Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City (NSWCPC), Fla., scientists and engineers partnered with academia March 8 to challenge students to a regional SeaPerch competition here at the University of West Florida. Students prepared remotely operated vehicles (ROV) to compete by navigating through an obstacle and challenge course. Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and Embry-Riddle University, SeaPerch provides students with kits equipped with all essential parts to build an underwater robot. “Basically, it’s an underwater ROV built out of PVC pipes, direct current motors and a control box,” said Kinsey Taylor, NSWCP electrical engineer and SeaPerch course designer. NSWCPC physicist Dan Flisek, a technical director for the competition, said SeaPerch challenges and regional competitions help provide students with a hands-on approach while learning the STEM disciplines. (Source: NSWCPC 03/12/19)