Thursday, January 23, 2020

Update: CG suspends search off DI

NEW ORLEANS - The Coast Guard is searching for a 41-year-old man who went missing aboard the vessel Star Aquila on Jan. 23 about 12 nautical miles south of Dauphin Island, Ala. Coast Guard Sector Mobile received the report at 4:07 a.m. The man was last seen on Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Crew members conducted a search of the vessel with negative results. The vessel has been at anchor for eight days and will transit into Mobile, Ala., Jan. 23. Involved in the search are CG Station Dauphin Island's 45-foot Response Boat/crew; CG Air Station New Orleans' MH-65 Dolphin helicopter aircrew; and the Star Aquila crew members. (Source: Coast Guard 01/23/20) UPDATE: The CG suspended its search Jan. 24 for the person who went missing aboard the vessel Star Aquila. CG crews searched over 1,049 square-nautical miles for about 40 hours but were unable to find the missing person.