Thursday, June 18, 2020

Open Ocean group updates strategy

The Open Ocean Trustee Implementation Group released an updated Open Ocean Monitoring and Adaptive Management Strategy. The strategy includes its initial priorities for information needed to help evaluate and inform restoration planning and implementation. There will be a webinar on July 22 to provide an overview and engage with attendees. After consulting with subject matter experts and stakeholders, and reviewing relevant plans and analyses, the group identified information needs. Then, using criteria described in the Strategy, selected three priority areas of its initial focus: Evaluation of restoration outcomes and progress; characteristics of key stressors on open ocean resources; and assessment of focal open ocean resources and important habitats. During the webinar, the group will provide an overview of the identified monitoring and adaptive management priorities. There will be a follow-on Q&A session. Get the strategy, a summarized fact sheet, and register for the July 22 webinar. (Source: NOAA Fisheries 06/18/20)