Friday, September 18, 2015
Navy fires SeaRam from LCS-4
During a live-fire exercise off the West Coast, the Navy fired for the first time, a missile from a Raytheon SeaRAM launcher from an Independence-class Littoral Combat Ship. SeaRAM combines two Raytheon products: The radar and electro-optical system from the Phalanx Close-In Weapon System with the Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM), a self-guided supersonic missile that can take down cruise missiles and close-flying aircraft. After the Navy used the SeaRAM to detect and track an inbound threat, sailors in USS Coronado (LCS-4) fired a RAM block 1A from the system, which intercepted the target. This test marked a major milestone toward full operation and dployment of the SeaRAM system aboard Navy ships, Raytheon VP Rick Nelson said in a news release. SeaRAM launchers have also been installed on USS Independence (LCS-2). The Navy is considering whether to equip its new frigate versions of the LCS ship with SeaRAM, according to Defense Daily. (Source: Defense Daily 09/17/15) Gulf Coast Shipbuilding Note: All Independence-class LCS are built by Austal USA shipyard in Mobile, Ala.