Tuesday, March 26, 2019

New rules for OSV disaster recovery

The Coast Guard’s advisory panel on offshore safety has completed recommendations for how offshore vessels (OSVs) in the energy industry can safely be put to work assisting in disaster relief efforts. The proposals include creating a new ‘response, restoration, and recovery vessel’ Certificate of Inspection (COI) endorsement. The “Triple R Vessel” (TRV) endorsement would allow operators to get preapproval of their vessels that would be available to assist a disaster, according to the Offshore Marine Service Association (OMSA). After Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico in 2017, several Louisiana-based OSV operators sought emergency approvals from the CG to haul relief supplies to Puerto Rico and between ports on the island. They needed approval to deviate from the vessels’ COIs, but the volunteer effort encountered a variety of challenges, which were noted for the National Offshore Safety Advisory Committee. OMSA proposed a subcommittee study the problem. The CG agreed and gave them the job in September 2018. After five months, NOSAC approved the subcommittee’s recommendations at a March 20 spring meeting in New Orleans. Other recommendations include that the New Orleans-based Coast Guard Eighth District HQ policies on energy industry vessels be adopted by districts around the naiton; and modifying the CG’s definition of ‘international voyage’ to clarify that U.S.-flag vessels are not on an international voyage when they sail between the mainland and Puerto Rico. The NOSAC subcommittee’s full report will be released and posted to the advisory panel website in coming weeks. OMSA President Aaron Smith said the recommendations would help the industry give a fast response to future natural disasters. (Source: Work Boat 03/26/19) https://www.workboat.com/news/offshore/new-rules-coming-for-osv-use-in-disaster-recovery/