Friday, May 15, 2020

Dive school increasing performance

PANAMA CITY, Fla. - The Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center (NDSTC) is implementing ideas and programs from top-tier professional sports teams to make changes this year to increase functional performance, resiliency and cognitive capability while decreasing injury and accelerating the physical recovery of explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) technicians and Navy divers. EOD techs/divers are known for their ability to stay calm in pressurized situations, but tactical human performance does not come without instruction and development. Cmdr. Sam Brasfield, NDSTC commanding officer, said the legacy human performance programs during an EOD tech/diver’s initial training typically relied on limited knowledge of instructors, who did not possess formal education on exercise physiology and muscle recovery. In order to correct it, NDSTC initiated a review of its physical therapy program, calling on graduate-level research from the Naval Postgraduate School and inputs from professional human sports performance clinicians, to build a framework for tactical combat use. Using the data, NDSTC created the Tactical Human Performance Program (THPP) in 2016 to provide baseline instruction, development and evaluation in all aspects of human performance to dive training students. Today’s program specifically focuses on four key pillars: Mindset, nutrition, movement, and recovery to optimize human performance and injury prevention. (Source: Naval Education and Training Command 05/15/20)