Tuesday, March 14, 2017

GC-built LCS 10 commissioning

The Navy will commission the Gulf Coast-built Littoral Combat Ship Gabrielle Giffords, the former Arizona congresswoman who survived a 2011 assassination attempt, at Pier 21 in Galveston, Texas, on June 10 in a three-day event. The LCS 10 recognizes the lawmaker's service on the armed services committee, and support of the military and veterans throughout her congressional terms. The ship launched in 2015, and its sponsor, former second lady Jill Biden, christened it that June in Mobile, Ala. The LCS is the ninth to enter the fleet and fifth of the Independence variant, which are built by Austal USA in Mobile. After the commissioning, the ship will travel to its homeport in San Diego. The ship's motto “Je Suis Prest” translates from French to English as “I Am Ready,” an homage to Gifford's family coat of arms. (Source: Houston Chronicle 03/14/17)