Friday, June 16, 2017

Bollinger salutes USCG relationship

Louisiana-based Bollinger Shipyards is well aware of the importance of the U.S. Coast Guard to the oil and gas industry throughout the Gulf coastal region. Chris Remont, vice president of government programs for Bollinger, explains the company’s awareness program of that relationship. As the offshore oil and gas downturn heads into year three, Bollinger is holding its own courtesy salute to the USCG. In Louisiana, where oil and gas, offshore service vehicles, workboats, and fishing boats rule the maritime landscape, Remont ensures shipyard workers, and Lockport, La., locals know the importance of USCG to the shipyard. In a show of awareness, the shipyard has placed a billboard in town exclaiming loud and proud, “Welcome to Cutter Country.” Bollinger has 38 Sentinel-class Fast Response Cutters to build under contract with the Coast Guard. (Source: Marine Link 06/15/17)