Saturday, March 10, 2018

East-Gulf ports' contract talk resumes

Labor negotiations are back on between terminal operators/container shipping lines and unionized longshoremen, at East and Gulf Coast ports from Maine to Texas, to reach a new contract agreement before a September deadline. Talks resumed after pressure from shippers and businesses, whose supply chains face disruption if port operations should slow or shut down during the fall peak shipping season. Discussions between the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance Ltd. (USMX), which represents terminal operators and container shipping lines, broke off in December over disagreements over the definition of automation, as it applies to dockworkers. ILA President Harold Daggett has said that blocking job losses to automation would be a focus of the talks. On March 9, the ILA and USMX said in a joint statement that they are resuming talks. The two sides will continue to negotiate Master Contract issues and are encouraging local port areas to concurrently work out terms for local agreements. (Source: Wall Street Journal 03/09/18)