Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Lower Miss. inland cruises suspended
American Queen Steamboat Co. and American Cruise Lines (ACL) - two of the major players in the U.S. inland and coastal cruising market - are suspending all cruise operations into April because of the coronavirus. New Albany, Ind.-based American Queen, which expects to resume service April 12, said it made the decision “following widespread governmental restrictions across ports, cities and public institutions.” American Queen announced it had suspended cruise operations on March 14. Current sailings will conclude as scheduled, the company said, and it is contacting booked passengers about their upcoming cruises and options. It has canceled 16 sailings including specialty trips on the new American Countess, its fourth vessel which was to be christened in New Orleans on April 4 following a VIP cruise. Both lines offer New Orleans to Memphis – and vice versa - cruises. (Source: Work Boat 03/16/20) https://www.workboat.com/news/passenger-vessels/american-queen-suspends-ship-operations/?utm_source=marketo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter&utm_content=newsletter&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTVRRMk9EUXhabUpsT0dVdyIsInQiOiJhaGVzdTAxYjd0ZHVUSHdvZktKN2R1dzhReVdcL3RBa2lCS05WY1Z4SFhna2NVaEQ5TVpNZnc5Q2NGb1FpYzVQdUgyNEE1a2Fjd2xnaU4yek5Mb1JGNTBJMGticjNXR0t5N3IrM3I1bFwvWWpnWjZuRHFsM21RNVpmMUNIYW1rQlBvIn0%3D