Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Broader role for JHSV

The Navy has stepped up deployments of its Joint High Speed Vessel in exercises around the world as a broader effort to expand operational use for the platform. Initially envisioned as a high-speed transport, JHSVs have shown a broader range of applications – from logistical support, counter-trafficking and medical operations in conjunction with larger ships. ”It is truly a joint vessel to be delivered to combatant commanders as a fast, sizeable transport. The JHSV can help provide security cooperation support and counterterrorism assistance,” said Johnny Michael, Navy spokesman. There are plans to put JHSVs in every combatant commander’s area of responsibility. (Source: DOD Buzz 06/29/15) Gulf Coast Shipbuilding Note: The Navy has contracted for a total of 10 JHSV vessels with the Austal USA shipyard in Mobile, Ala. To date, five JHSVs have been built. The sixth and seventh are to arrive in 2016.