Saturday, February 9, 2019

Academy to expand maritime program

PANAMA CITY, Fla. - The Panama City Marine Institute (PCMI) is expanding its partnership with North Bay Haven Charter Academy Middle and High School from a half-day program to full days in the next school years in its Maritime Program for students in ninth through 12th grade. PCMI expects to add 100-plus students to the PCMI campus, and offer core classes in math, English, social studies, and the sciences - with an emphasis on natural and marine. The program also will offer courses in aerospace technology allowing students to train to become certified drone pilots and Sea Cadets, and Navy JROTC, which can earn students rank in the military after high school. The maritime portion includes certification courses in sailing and seamanship, boating safety, life-guarding, and scuba diving. The Sea Cadet Program also has the entire curriculum. Students interested in environmental sciences, PCMI has an active partnerships with Gulf World Marine Institute, Bay Watch, and Florida Fish and Wildlife. (Source: News Herald 02/08/19) Note: North Bay Haven Charter Academy Middle and High School programs include, among others, STEM academies, engineering, health sciences, and AP Computer Science.