Sunday, February 3, 2019

WorkBoat 2019 conference in NOLA

The WorkBoat Annual Conference will be Dec. 4-6, and presented alongside the International WorkBoat Show, at the Morial Center in New Orleans. The annual conference will focus on five sectors: Maintenance & Repair, Tugs & Coastal Towing, Shipyards, Inland Waterways & Passenger Vessel, and Offshore. Each of the programs is custom designed to provide education and networking opportunities. The cornerstone of the program will be intensive half-day sessions to allow attendees to discover challenges and opportunities facing commercial mariners. Led by industry experts, the program will encourage critical thinking as attendees work through issues, ask questions, and receive actionable information that they can immediately put to work. The International WorkBoat Show is a trade-only conference and expo for commercial vessel owners, operators and builders, shipyards, marine architects, port authorities, military buyers, government officials, and members of oil exploration and production firms. (Source: Workboat 02/01/19) WorkBoat is a provider of breaking news and relevant content specific to the commercial marine industry in North America.