Monday, April 22, 2019

WETshop 2019 for La. teachers

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries’ (LDWF) WETshop 2019, a coastal awareness workshop for science, history and social studies teachers across the state, is scheduled for July 7–12 at the LDWF’s Grand Isle (La.) Research Lab. The dic-day workshop is focused on providing teachers with an in-depth look at issues related to wetland ecology and coastal land loss in Louisiana. Teachers will accrue 55 hours of instruction covering a wide variety of topics, including fisheries management, and coastal restoration. Workshop experiences provide ideas to incorporate Louisiana phenomena-based science in classrooms at all grade levels. At the completion of the workshop, participants will each receive a $250 stipend. WETshop is sponsored by LDWF in partnership with the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Foundation, Barataria Terrebonne National Estuary Program and the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. (Source: LDWF 04/22/19)