Monday, July 1, 2019

VTHM begins work on 3rd APL

VT Halter Marine of Pascagoula, Miss., has started construction on the third Auxiliary Personnel Lighter – Small (APL(S)), a new class of berthing barges commissioned by the Naval Sea Systems Command. VT Halter Marine received a $77.9M contract to design and build two firm units of the new class of berthing barges last September, with options for another four. The company expects the first two vessels to be delivered in the third quarter of 2020, and the third unit to be delivered in fourth of 2020. This barge is the first of the four options, and was awarded to VT Halter Marine in February, bringing the total value of the contract award to $118M. When completed, the Navy will use the berthing barges to house crewmembers when ships are in port for maintenance and Inter-Deployment Training Cycles. (Source: Marine Link 07/01/19)