Saturday, May 2, 2020

Changes to lock & dam funding

The U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee that oversees waterways has agreed to make a significant change to the Inland Waterways Trust Fund (IWTF), which would tentatively free up more money to modernize aging lock and dam infrastructure. In its first move, the process is to produce a new Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). The committee released a draft April 21. That proposal has a cost-share adjustment for inland waterways construction and major rehabilitation projects from the current 50-50 spilt to 65-35 split between the feds and IWTF, which is financed by a barge industry diesel tax. The draft bill also authorizes the Chief’s Report for Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Brazos River Floodgates, and Colorado River Locks at a 65%-35% split; and authorizes an Asian Carp pilot program study of the Lower Mississippi River System. Details aren’t clear, but the draft would also authorize the Secretary of the Army to declare an inland waterways emergency in times of high or low water and to use $25M annually for three years (subject to availability) for projects to address emergency conditions. The committee may mark up the bill during the coming week. The cost-share formula change is a priority for inland navigation groups that see the proposal falling far short. (Source: Work Boat 04/30/20)