Wednesday, May 27, 2020

NOLA, CoE recommend deeping

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) and Port of New Orleans are recommending dredging to 50 feet a total of 2½ miles of the port's Uptown wharves on the Mississippi River. A decision to go forward with the dredging would allow the port to compete with other Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast ports to load and unload major ocean-going vessels. Access to the port's Milan Street and Louisiana Avenue wharves is now limited to ships with drafts of 35 feet or less. At the Nashville Avenue wharf, the draft varies between 35 and 45 feet. The present Napoleon Avenue draft is 45 feet. (Source: 05/26/20) Last September, the USACOE approved a Mobile, Ala., Port and harbor project that would deepen the existing Bar, Bay and River channels to 52 feet, 50 feet, and 50 feet respectively. The project, which has been underway, also includes widening the Bay Channel by 100 feet for three nautical miles to accommodate two-way vessel traffic, expanding the current Post-Panamax sized turning basin, and incorporating a minor bend easing in the lower Bay Channel.