Monday, July 25, 2016

Navy LOCUST to swarm across GoM

ARLINGTON, Va. – The Navy will conduct two technology demonstrations of swarming unmanned vehicles - over the next nine weeks, including this coming week in the Gulf of Mexico, according to Rear Adm. Mathias W. Winter, chief of naval research and director of Innovation Technology Requirements and Test & Evaluation for the Chief of Naval Operations. The July demonstration will feature UAVs. September demonstrations will feature unmanned surface vehicles. The July demonstration will feature LOCUST (Low-Cost UAV Swarming Technology) that was first demonstrated in 2014. LOCUST includes a tube launcher that can propel multiple UAVs in rapid succession. An information-sharing data link enables autonomous collaboration among the UAVs. The swarm can be used for offensive or defensive missions to overwhelm enemy platforms. This coming week, in the Gulf of Mexico, the Navy will be launching 30 UAVs within two minutes and they will be forming up, flying, engaged,” Winter said. “We’re able to bring in UAVs in flocks of 30, and then have four break off and go do something and come back,” he said. (Source: Sea Power 07/22/16)