Sunday, April 1, 2018

Eglin putting Walton on fast track

Walton County, Fla., based on March census figures, is the sixth fastest growing county in the United States. Its population jumped just shy of 3,000 (to 68,376) from 2016-17, according to U.S. Census Bureau figures released March 22. The 4.5 percent jump put Walton behind only one county each in Virginia and Utah; and three in Texas. In 2015-16, Walton was the nation’s 21st fastest growing county. The growing rate is not new, and likely will continue upward, said Bill Imfeld, executive director of the Walton County Economic Development Alliance. “We met with an economist who told us over the next decade the two fastest growing counties on the Gulf Coast were going to be Baldwin County, Ala., and Walton County, Fla.,” Imfeld told the Northwest Florida Daily News. Among the reasons for the growth is an anticipated expansion of the military’s hypersonic weapon systems testing program. Walton and Okaloosa County officials have been warned to get ready for an influx of military and contractors affiliated with the weapons testing over the Gulf of Mexico - the nation’s largest testing set-a-side area for the military. Source: Northwest Florida Daily News 04/01/18)