Thursday, April 26, 2018

HASC sub adds 2 more LCS

WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. House's Armed Services Committee released sections of its FY 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, which recommends buying 13 ships and beginning a handful of aircraft multi-year contracts. The bill would authorize 10 ship-buys, and HASC’s seapower and projection forces subcommittee recommended adding two more Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) – for a total of three. The full committee is scheduled to meet before May 9 to begin working on an NDAA markup session. An HASC staff member claimed the committee had determined the Navy’s one-LCS request was “damaging to the two construction yards” – Austal USA of Mobile, Ala., and Fincantieri’s Marinette (Wis.) Marine. Both yards need to remain healthy ahead of the new FFG(X) frigate competition in 2019, the staffer said. A three-ship buy would put the Navy at 35 LCS – three over the stated need. The move was meant to ensure the Navy had a good price point for the FY-19 LCS. The subcommittee also wants to require the Navy to ensure it has the technical data rights for the FFG(X)-selected design. Five firms are currently participating in a design effort, and are expected to compete for the detailed design and construction contract, which allows the Navy to conduct an open competition after the first 10 FFG(X)s are built. The two current LCS designs are largely proprietary. It’s important the Navy own the design in order to re-compete, the staffer concluded, if it chooses to do so, in the future or add a second builder to meet the Navy’s and industrial shipyards’ needs. (Source: USNI News 04/25/18)