Saturday, March 21, 2015

CG seizes illegal GoM Red Snapper

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Heron seized about 120 Red Snapper from the Brownsville-based non-commercial boat Capt. Wallace B on March 18. The Heron conducted a law enforcement boarding of the fishing boat and discovered the illegal catch. Currently, only commercial fishing vessels with reef fish permits (with quotas) may fish in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Recreational fishing season for Red Snapper is closed. The boat was escorted to Port Isabel, Texas, and turned over to National Marine Fisheries Service. The vessel owner could receive civil penalties in excess of $20,000. During the last year, 64 miles of illegal fishing gear were removed from federal waters by Coast Guard authorities including unlit, unmarked longline and gill net. About 760,000 pounds of illegal Red Snapper are estimated to be taken annually from the Gulf of Mexico and south Texas waters without permit or license. (Coast Guard 03/21/15)