Sunday, April 12, 2020

Mixing pandemic & GC hurricanes

MIAMI – What’s worse than a pandemic that could overwhelms Gulf Coast states’ health care system and cause an economic collapse? The answer: A pandemic mixed with the Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June through November. "COVID is bad, a hurricane is bad. If you combine the two, it is greater than the sum," Bryan Koon, who until 2017 directed the Florida Division of Emergency Management, told AFP news. "The impact … will be worse than either of them even combined. It will be a multiplier effect, not an additive effect," he said. Meteorologists at Colorado State University and Accuweather are already predicting an active season that may include up to four major storms (110 mph). "We're preparing for the worst, obviously," said Florida Gov. Rick DeSantis. "Hopefully we don't have to deal with a hurricane. But I think we have to assume that we're going to have one" at some point. (Source: Agence France Presse 04/11/20)